Tuesday, April 19, 2011

On Earthquakes and Easter

"He has been raised from the dead, and is going ahead…
there you will see him..."
— Matthew 28:7

The man stood looking over the concrete sea wall down into the harbor. It was low tide and water pooled in small puddles on the muddy floor of the inlet. Suddenly out to sea, the large level wave could be seen bearing down silently upon the shore. The man saw the wave crash and the water pour into the harbor, the boats bobbing up and down like toys in the bathtub, with a second wave on its way. This time, the wave’s impact on the shore shot vertical sprays of dark water forty feet into the air. The man decides to move to higher ground. As soon as he has climbed up a nearby observation platform, he glances back to where he stood a second ago. A veritable Niagara Falls of muddy water is now pouring over the sea wall and the sidewalk has disappeared. “Oh my God,” he says, in Japanese.

After seeing the vast devastation caused by earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear emergencies across the ocean, we ought to give a second thought to our own lives. Today is a gift from God — tomorrow no more than a hope. The only certainty we have for tomorrow comes from Jesus Christ. His death on the cross was a tidal wave, smashing through our sins and drowning death itself. His Easter life is a new chance He’s given us here on earth and a place with Him in glory to come. Experience it all close up this Holy week & Easter!

Pastor Scott

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