Saturday, April 24, 2010

Quarterly statement thank-you letter

“Even the sparrow finds a home and the swallow a nest for herself
where she may lay her young, at your altars, O Lord of hosts”
--Psalm 84:3

Dear friends & members of Atonement Lutheran Church,

I can’t say thank you enough. Not to God, and not to you. First to God, who is always blessing us in a gazillion ways. Nobody said it better than Martin Luther, who reminds us how much God gives us through the gift of life and the gift of the Church:

For since in all days and hours you have received the blessings of God, such as life, being, feeling, mind, besides food and clothing and the service of the sun, of heaven and earth and all the elements in exceeding variety, it is clear that you owe thanks for what you have received. But who does not here see his own endless omissions and ingratitudes? Who has sufficiently given thanks even for one day?
Second, consider the sacraments and blessings of the Church, which serves you no less than the whole world. Therefore without ceasing you receive life, feeling, being, understanding, food and clothing in spiritual things, the service of the sun of righteousness, of heaven and earth and of all the blessings in the Church.
Luther’s Works, Vol. 10 – Lectures on the Psalms

So join me in thanking God for each new day, and for sweeping us up in His arms and bringing us into the safety and shelter of the community of Christ, the Church. What a joy it is to see Atonement becoming the community church for the Wesley Chapel area. In May we become the home to area Alcoholics Anonymous and Overeaters Anonymous groups. We will also charter the new Boy Scout Troop 2 on May 26. The overwhelming support for the food pantry is leading us to seek more space for our ministries. Praise God for the expanding mission and ministry of our congregation! It’s good to see more people finding their spiritual home here.

Now to you -- thanks for your faithfulness, your enthusiasm, your participation and support, your prayers, your witness to others, your words of encouragement, your faith and goodwill, and all that you share in the name of our Lord. With God’s unwavering blessing and your prayerful support, there’s no doubt 2010 will be another year of continued growth. May your days be full of joy and thankfulness for life, family and loved ones, and for your spiritual home, the Church!

In Christ,

Pastor Scott Lindner

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