in the town of David, a Savior has been born to you. He is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you – you will find a
baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”
Luke 2:11-12
I don’t
normally go looking for babies, but I do see them from time to time. They may be in a baby carriage being pushed along
by a parent at the store. They may be in
the arms of a family member, in the process of being passed around and oogled
at by friends and relatives. They may be
hauled up to the baptismal font to be blessed by Jesus with the water of
life. I’ve even seen a baby bathed in a
sink, but I’ve never actually seen a baby lying in a real-life
honest-to-goodness manger.
A lifetime
of Christmases makes it hard to understand just what a strange thing it was for
those Bethlehem shepherds to walk in on.
They were sent by a heavenly host of angels, not to the maternity ward
or to a cozy bedroom, but to “that lowly stable [where] humble Christ was
born.” What do you think they wondered
at as they saw this sight? That they’d
been spending too much time out in those pastures with the sheep?
tells us that God comes to us in surprising ways. Christ’s message is counter-cultural, and His
kingdom carries with it a whole different set of assumptions and priorities
than we are used to living with. It
tells of a seemingly small event, the birth of a baby in a backwater village,
which turns out to be more important than all the battles of armies and all the
coronations of kings. It tells of the
world’s Savior put to rest on a bed of hay in a donkey’s feeding trough. It tells of the honored guests brought to
witness this all-important moment – not stylish celebrities, powerful rulers or
paparazzi, but common shepherds who enter the scene in garments smelling of
dirt, sweat and grass.
God’s Christmas ways, so far from the ways we humans do strategic
planning. God’s Christmas ways count each
person as holy, full of possibility and promise. They write each one of us into the story,
giving our lives meaning beyond our own understanding. These ways bring light into the darkest
places and hope where even the most optimistic of us lose our nerve. These Christmas ways of God sent a baby to do
a deity’s work, and the powers of evil never saw it coming. These are the ways of divine love.
But if God
really works this way, what does that say about us? We who work hard and think it’s our work
bringing the blessing, we who see ourselves at the center of it all, we who
think we’re so full of love while we’re busy ignoring the neediest among us…God’s
Christmas ways tell us to find the blessing in what we’ve already been given,
to look beyond ourselves for life’s fulfillment, to join the desires of our
hearts with the places in this world where suffering is greatest.

I don’t normally
go looking for babies, but when I do see them from time to time, it’s hard to
look away. There’s something about a
baby that draws us to look, to wonder, to smile. Come in from the pastures this Christmas and
let that baby draw you in. Let yourself
be gathered with those people all over the world, pilgrim shepherds every one, who
come to find a baby in a most amazing place – in the manger of their hearts.
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