“Therefore, prepare your minds for action; discipline
yourselves; set all your hope on the grace that Jesus Christ will bring you
when he is revealed. Like obedient
children, do not be conformed to the desires that you formerly had in
ignorance. Instead, as he who called you
is holy, be holy yourselves in all your conduct...”
-- I Peter 1:13-15
According to St. Peter, our holy
living starts with God’s holy giving. God’s
holiness is to be the pattern for our own lives and conduct. That’s a tall order for fallible sinners like
us – but there is a place where we are renewed and forgiven of our old ways and
encouraged and strengthened to live for God.
This all happens through God’s grace, which we discover again and again
in being part of a church community. Once
again, I’m writing to thank you for patterning
your life on God’s holy giving by supporting the mission and work of
Atonement Lutheran Church.
There is much good work done through
this congregation, but there are also many ways in which we support God’s work beyond our congregation. Besides the amazing work of Atonement’s own
ministry teams and our Helping Hands Food Pantry, we support many organizations
and groups that touch people with God’s love both near and far. Many of the people being helped we will never
see; many of their stories we will never hear.
But we trust that in giving to these good causes, we are giving to our
trust-worthy God.

We are in the midst of a 5-week campaign to learn about our Florida Lutheran camp, Luther Springs, and the ongoing efforts to upgrade and expand the facilities there. Children and adults throughout Florida have a special “place apart” to experience God’s love through the wonder of creation. We will be asking for pledges to help Luther Springs over the next three years as they try to raise a grand total of $3 million. We hope to do our part and raise our goal of $10,000 from Atonement members – only a dime a day from each family, but enough to be a significant part of this great project.

A portion of our regular offerings each
Sunday is shared with the Florida-Bahamas
Synod, which in turn sends over half of what they receive towards the
mission work of the whole ELCA. Missionaries
around the world, hunger and disaster relief, justice work, support for new
mission starts, seminaries and synod staff throughout the ELCA are all
supported through our congregation’s “benevolence giving” to the wider
church. We have been growing every year
in the amount we send out to synod, and are continuing to increase it as a proportion
of our annual budget.
St. Peter tells Christians to let go
of their old desires which caused them to put themselves first, and to
generously practice holy living. I am so
inspired when I see you doing just that in your wholehearted support of God’s
work at Atonement. But it’s even more impressive
to see that love get passed on to others.
As we join together to support causes beyond our congregation –
ministries that help young and old in our communities and around the world – a
miracle takes place before our eyes, and our
own holy living becomes another instance of God’s holy giving.
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