“…See, the home of God is among mortals -- He will dwell with them;
They will be his peoples, and God himself will be with them;
They will be his peoples, and God himself will be with them;
He will wipe away every tear from their eyes;
Death will be no more..."
— Revelation 21: 3-4
Do you have a favorite Florida theme park? Maybe it’s Busch Gardens or one of the Disney Orlando parks. Legoland? Sea World? I’ve been to Universal now several times with our youth group for Rock the Universe, enough to know my way around the park and know which rides are the best. These parks create a whole new world for us to visit, making it easy to imagine we are somewhere else — an old western town, a cave or jungle adventure, outer space or a place of monsters and magic.
Sometimes reading the Bible can feel like we are entering a whole other world. We are suddenly whisked away to a land of strange names and customs, people without cars or iphones encountering talking snakes and pillars of cloud and fire. We can easily feel detached from this world and question if it has any more to do with us than the latest movie with dragons and wizards. But as we explore deeper into the treasure chest that is our Holy Scriptures, we find that the strange and supernatural falls away. The Bible tells the story of a family blessed to know God as a friend and companion through life. It is the story of everyday people caught up in an amazing story, the story of what it means to see and hear this God in the midst of life. We notice that these people can be fallible and foolish, and yet try to keep God’s presence before them as a part of their lives. This is the story of their forgetting and remembering God, and of what it does to their families and friends, to their neighborhoods and nations.
I love a challenge — trying new things, or doing something in a new way. This year, once again I’m challenging myself to read through the Bible, this time with the version translated by Eugene Peterson called The Message. If you’ve never read the entire Bible, I encourage you to pick up one of our Bible in a Year handouts at church and join me in the adventure. It gives a 3-4 chapter per day reading plan that helps you stay on track reading just 20-30 minutes a day.
I’m also challenging myself to develop a new 7-week Bible study based on the book of Revelation. Of all the books in the Bible, Revelation can be the most confusing. My new Bible study Revelation: Prophecy Remixed examines the book’s major images and shows how Revelation presents new reflections on themes from the ancient Old Testament prophetic tradition. I think this is a helpful and enlightening way to make Revelation a little less mysterious. I’m hoping to have this study ready to go by the end of February.
I am excited by the new year, 2014, and all the possibilities that it brings. Last year we built onto our building — this year we will be building new ministries and new visions for the future. We will begin putting together new visitation and caring teams as the Stephens Ministry program gets underway. We are also looking at expanding Outreach and Stewardship teams, and restarting our Prayer Ministry. With all this, we will be putting together a group to develop a new vision and long-range plan for 2015 and beyond. In the midst of this, we will celebrate the first year of the Capital Campaign next month as donations continue to be matched by an anonymous donor.
Congratulations to our new leadership team elected to council positions — to Scott Giesking, president; Julie Kaufmann, vice-president; Carol Rothgeb, treasurer; Kay Edwards, secretary; as well as council members Shad Latson, Robin Frank, Laurie Chairamonte, and Bill Anderson. Together, we thank our Lord who makes all things new (Revelation 21:5) for the gifts, the wonder, and the challenges of a new year, a new Spirit, and a new day!
Pastor Scott
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