Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Better Living Through Faithfulness

In an experiment conducted at UCLA, 2 groups of participants were given a test. Both groups were given an opportunity to cheat on the test, and some members of the first group did. Nobody in the second group cheated. What was the difference? Well, before the test, members of the first group were asked to list their 10 favorite books. Members of the second group were asked to list as many of the 10 commandments as they could recall. Most of them could not recall more than one or two, but somehow just thinking about the 10 commandments made them all more honest.

The 10 commandments are one of God’s great gifts to humanity. Our world needs these words from God like never before. When we leave God and His will for us out of our lives, we become less honest, less thoughtful, and ultimately less happy people. Join us at the 10am services through February for What Love Demands, a series on the 10 commandments and how they can change your life.

Pastor Scott

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