Saturday, July 5, 2014

Come and celebrate

Ho, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters;
And you that have no money, come, buy and eat!-  Isaiah 55:1

Friends of Atonement,
            Imagine a long, hot day at the beach.  You’ve been out in the sun for hours and are getting tired, thinking about heading home.  Then, just as you head towards the car you smell a wonderful aroma drifting through the air.  Up ahead you see a large group of people clustered around a row of picnic tables and a smoky grill.  They are just getting ready to bless the food, but someone notices you and waves you over.  “Come join us, friend!  There’s plenty for everyone.”

            God surrounds us with blessings.  He calls us to His table, inviting us to share in his picnic of grace, joy and love.  He encourages us to take time out to celebrate and enjoy the gifts we are given.  I hope you are planning to do some celebrating this summer.  Make use of opportunities to delight in creation, to be grateful for our freedoms as Americans, to find the rest and relaxation that keeps us physically, spiritually, and emotionally fit.  Celebrate God’s love in worship, thankful for his grace which comes without price.  Share your offerings with gratitude to the God who gives us His all.

            If you are traveling this summer or are just not able to be in worship every week, you may want to consider taking advantage of “Simply Giving.”  This automated giving program makes sure your offerings get made on a regular basis whether or not you are in church on Sunday morning.  My family has used Simply Giving for many years.  For us it’s the most convenient way to get our offerings from our checking account to church. 

            Thanks for being a part of Atonement, and helping us share God’s blessings.  May your days this summer be filled with celebration! 
Pastor Scott