Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Lord's

If we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord;
so then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s”
 -- Romans 14:8

Friends of Atonement,

            You are God’s!  Your faith declares it, and your baptism seals the deal.  Jesus has given his life for yours, and he says to you, “Nothing can snatch you out of my hands.”  We have many names for this comforting fact: “Amazing Grace,” “Blessed Assurance,” or simply the good news.  This is why we do what we do: why we worship, why we pray, and why we reach out to share God’s love – because we know whose we are.
            And because we are God’s, we can feel secure even when we face death.  To know that the God who made us, who has loved and redeemed us is also the God we will meet in eternity brings a comfort nothing else can give.  Knowing you are God’s brings a special peace, like that of a lamb following the caring shepherd to drink beside the clear, cool stream. 
Who could ever put a price tag on this inner peace?  How much would we spend if we could, to give that peace to those we love?  But we know it doesn’t work that way.  God’s grace is free of charge, even though Jesus paid the most precious price of all to cleanse us of our sin.  But we can still share the story of that amazing grace, and still show the world how God has blessed us with the comfort of knowing we are his, both in life and in death. 
In November we begin a new ministry here at Atonement.  We have purchased a columbarium, a memorial to hold the cremated remains of loved ones.  This large granite edifice will be placed behind the church, near the prayer garden.  We will soon be making it available for members to purchase compartments to lay to rest the ashes of themselves or family members. 
            We also are continuing the “Tree of Life” memorial in the entryway.  The brass leaves of the tree commemorate deceased members of our family of faith, and anyone can get a leaf engraved with the name of a loved one for a donation of $50. 
            It may not be your favorite thing to think about, but we know we are not going to be here forever.  God has a new and wonderful creation in store for us after death, but we still do our best to care for those who remain.  I encourage you to think about your legacy giving, and to continue supporting the causes and people who are important to you, in death as you have in life.  Does your current will include your congregation and charities that are dear to your heart?
            As St. Paul reminds us, whether we live or die we are still in God’s hands.  People of faith do not see death as an end, but as a transition to new life.  We celebrate the communion of saints that goes beyond the bounds of death, and we do our best to plan for a future we know is coming.  We do so with hope, and with gratitude to God.  I remember the closing words to one of my favorite old hymns, “…in life, in death O Lord, abide with me.”  May God bless you always with the sure and certain hope of eternal life with him!
Pastor Scott

Bible Study Lesson 4 - Love for others. Questions #1-7

These online questions are posted as an additional resource for the Bible study series Your Spiritual Survival Kit.  They are not required to go through the group study.  Rather, they are here to provide you with food for thought and spiritual reflection.  You are also welcome to post your own answer or reaction to each question as a comment here on this blog.  Just remember to respect the opinions and responses of others.  Blessings!

1.     What makes a person easy to love?

2.     How has your understanding of love changed over the years?

3.     How do you know someone loves you?

4.     What makes it hard to love others?

5.     What gets in the way of loving Jesus?

6.     Read Gen. 18:1-5 and Hebrews 13:2.   How do you show love to strangers?

7.     Jesus tells us to love others as he has loved us.  How has he loved us?

Bible Study Lesson 3 - Hope. Questions #1-7

These online questions are posted as an additional resource for the Bible study series Your Spiritual Survival Kit.  They are not required to go through the group study.  Rather, they are here to provide you with food for thought and spiritual reflection.  You are also welcome to post your own answer or reaction to each question as a comment here on this blog.  Just remember to respect the opinions and responses of others.  Blessings!

1.      Describe a time when you felt like giving up.  What got you through?

2.      Are you hopeful about the future?  What do you put your hope in?

3.      Without naming anyone, do you know a person you’d describe as “hopeless”?  If so, why do you feel that way about them?  If not, why do you think that is?

4.      What kind of false hopes do people have?

5.      How does our understanding of an afterlife affect our hope in this life?

6.     Read Romans 5:3-5.  Where does hope come from?

7.      How do your religious beliefs help you to have hope?

Bible Study Lesson 2 - Gratitude. Question #7

These online questions are posted as an additional resource for the Bible study series Your Spiritual Survival Kit.  They are not required to go through the group study.  Rather, they are here to provide you with food for thought and spiritual reflection.  You are also welcome to post your own answer or reaction to each question as a comment here on this blog.  Just remember to respect the opinions and responses of others.  Blessings!

7. How do we express gratitude to God in worship?

The full package

"...since all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God; they are now justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus,whom God put forward as a sacrifice of atonement by his blood, effective through faith. ."     — Romans 3:24-25

           The football commentators are surprised this season that the Kansas City Chiefs are the only undefeated team left in the NFL.  Teams with a decent quarterback are having trouble with receivers, teams with decent receivers are having trouble with defense.  Nobody seems to have the full package.  The good thing is, this makes football a whole lot more unpredictable, which can make it more fun to watch.  Any sport can get monotonous when the same teams always win.  

       The wonderful thing about our faith is — despite all the struggle and conflict we witness in our world, we know God will win in the end.  Despite all the sin that’s left in the world, healing and restoration is available to all through the redemption Jesus has offered all humanity.  Sometimes we feel like we’re watching a cosmic contest between God and the devil, and we worry that the devil is scoring more points.  But Paul reminds us of the true nature of things: we have all been justified by grace as a gift.  This has already happened — Christ died for all.  His resurrection confirms that the final score will be a blowout — God triumphs over death, pain, and evil.  

         In the meantime, the battle rages on.  People suffer and die, children go hungry and nations wage wars.  As people of faith who know the outcome of history, Jesus has drafted us to be disciples, workers on the front lines of his war against the devil.  November is the traditional harvest time.  It is a season of family and Thanksgiving.  We count our blessings and realize how well God has equipped us in this life.  We also realize he has given us a lot to share.

             I give thanks for our Helping Hands Food Pantry, and all of you who have supported it by volunteering, bringing food, praying for their ministry, or telling someone in need about it.  It is truly a work of God and a major force on the frontlines against hunger and poverty in our area.  If you have not seen the food pantry in action, I encourage you to come down on a Wednesday and watch the operation at work.  You will see a well-organized and friendly group of people serving over 250 families. 

       This month the food pantry has had a record number of clients.  The USDA government supplied food has been very low at just the time when the need is growing.  As we go into the season of Thanksgiving, we anticipate the numbers will get even higher.  I urge you to find ways to support this vital ministry even more at this crucial time.  Donations of non-perishable goods are always welcome.  I hope you will also consider being part of the S.O.S. pancake breakfast coming up on November 9.  Once again, the Wolf’s Den restaurant is donating their delicious pancake batter to help us celebrate this ministry and to raise money to Stock Our Shelves.
       I had a call from a relative this week who asked if instead of exchanging gifts this year for Christmas, we could give donations to our local food pantries.  She has been noticing how low the shelves are at her church’s food bank up in Ohio,  and wanting to make a difference for her community.  I don’t know about you, but our family has plenty of stuff, plenty of food to eat, and we know how much our loved ones care for us.  I told her I thought that was a fantastic idea, and the Lindner household will be making a donation in her name to our own Helping Hands pantry as our Christmas gift to her.
       None of us has the full package.  We are all sinners who have been picked up by our gracious Lord, hungry souls fed by our merciful Savior.  We can’t do much about poverty by ourselves, but Jesus has gathered us as his people and equipped us to help our neighbors, each of us bringing a little which adds up to make a huge difference.   As I count my blessings, I remember this family of faith and the spirit of our Risen Lord which lives in each of you to bring hope to the world and food to the hungry.

Pastor Scott

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Bible Study Lesson 2 - Gratitude. Question #6

These online questions are posted as an additional resource for the Bible study series Your Spiritual Survival Kit.  They are not required to go through the group study.  Rather, they are here to provide you with food for thought and spiritual reflection.  You are also welcome to post your own answer or reaction to each question as a comment here on this blog.  Just remember to respect the opinions and responses of others.  Blessings!

6.  If you were to write a thank-you card to God, what would it say?      

Bible Study Lesson 2 - Gratitude. Question #5

These online questions are posted as an additional resource for the Bible study series Your Spiritual Survival Kit.  They are not required to go through the group study.  Rather, they are here to provide you with food for thought and spiritual reflection.  You are also welcome to post your own answer or reaction to each question as a comment here on this blog.  Just remember to respect the opinions and responses of others.  Blessings!

5.   Do you spend money on the things you really value?  How well does your checkbook reflect the things you truly value?

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Bible Study Lesson 2 - Gratitude. Question #4

These online questions are posted as an additional resource for the Bible study series Your Spiritual Survival Kit.  They are not required to go through the group study.  Rather, they are here to provide you with food for thought and spiritual reflection.  You are also welcome to post your own answer or reaction to each question as a comment here on this blog.  Just remember to respect the opinions and responses of others.  Blessings!

4.  Time is a great and priceless gift.  How well do you use your time?   Does your schedule fit your values?

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Bible Study Lesson 2 - Gratitude. Question #3

These online questions are posted as an additional resource for the Bible study series Your Spiritual Survival Kit.  They are not required to go through the group study.  Rather, they are here to provide you with food for thought and spiritual reflection.  You are also welcome to post your own answer or reaction to each question as a comment here on this blog.  Just remember to respect the opinions and responses of others.  Blessings!

3. How can you talk to people about the blessings you’ve received without sounding like you’re bragging?

Bible Study Lesson 2 - Gratitude. Question #2

These online questions are posted as an additional resource for the Bible study series Your Spiritual Survival Kit.  They are not required to go through the group study.  Rather, they are here to provide you with food for thought and spiritual reflection.  You are also welcome to post your own answer or reaction to each question as a comment here on this blog.  Just remember to respect the opinions and responses of others.  Blessings!

2. How do you show appreciation for the blessings you receive?

Monday, October 7, 2013

Bible Study Lesson 2 - Gratitude. Question #1

These online questions are posted as an additional resource for the Bible study series Your Spiritual Survival Kit.  They are not required to go through the group study.  Rather, they are here to provide you with food for thought and spiritual reflection.  You are also welcome to post your own answer or reaction to each question as a comment here on this blog.  Just remember to respect the opinions and responses of others.  Blessings!

1.      Spend a moment “counting your blessings.”  For what do you feel most grateful?

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Bible Study Lesson 1 - Humility. Question #7

These online questions are posted as an additional resource for the Bible study series Your Spiritual Survival Kit.  They are not required to go through the group study.  Rather, they are here to provide you with food for thought and spiritual reflection.  You are also welcome to post your own answer or reaction to each question as a comment here on this blog.  Just remember to respect the opinions and responses of others.  Blessings!

7.      Philippians chapter 2:5-11 says, "Have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.  And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to deatheven death on a cross!  Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." 
Where do we see Jesus showing humility?  When does he not look so humble?

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Bible Study Lesson 1 - Humility. Question #6

These online questions are posted as an additional resource for the Bible study series Your Spiritual Survival Kit.  They are not required to go through the group study.  Rather, they are here to provide you with food for thought and spiritual reflection.  You are also welcome to post your own answer or reaction to each question as a comment here on this blog.  Just remember to respect the opinions and responses of others.  Blessings!

6. How can a person have humility without having low self-esteem?

Friday, October 4, 2013

Bible Study Lesson 1 - Humility. Question #5

These online questions are posted as an additional resource for the Bible study series Your Spiritual Survival Kit.  They are not required to go through the group study.  Rather, they are here to provide you with food for thought and spiritual reflection.  You are also welcome to post your own answer or reaction to each question as a comment here on this blog.  Just remember to respect the opinions and responses of others.  Blessings!

5. Which are greater, your strengths or weaknesses?

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Bible Study Lesson 1 - Humility. Question #4

These online questions are posted as an additional resource for the Bible study series Your Spiritual Survival Kit.  They are not required to go through the group study.  Rather, they are here to provide you with food for thought and spiritual reflection.  You are also welcome to post your own answer or reaction to each question as a comment here on this blog.  Just remember to respect the opinions and responses of others.  Blessings!

4. Who in your life has been a model of humility?  How?

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Bible Study Lesson 1 - Humility. Question #3

These online questions are posted as an additional resource for the Bible study series Your Spiritual Survival Kit.  They are not required to go through the group study.  Rather, they are here to provide you with food for thought and spiritual reflection.  You are also welcome to post your own answer or reaction to each question as a comment here on this blog.  Just remember to respect the opinions and responses of others.  Blessings!

3.  Describe a time in your life when you acted with humility and were glad you did.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Grab your Bible

"All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction,and for training in righteousness, so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work."
— 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Maybe I was having trouble following along in the bulletin.  Maybe I was sitting in someone else’s regular pew.  Whatever it was, Larry picked me out immediately as a visitor the first time I worshipped at what was soon to become my “home church.”  And before I left the service, I had a card with his name, phone number and address in my pocket, and an invitation to attend a home Bible study at his house that Wednesday evening. 
I had never been to a Bible study before, but Larry and his Gretchen, his wife, made me feel like part of the family.  They asked me about my family, my classes, my plans for the future, and kept me in the conversation even as they welcomed other new guests as they arrived.  We sat down in the living room and Gretchen played a couple worship songs on an old cassette player.  Then we broke up into groups and read and discussed the chapter from the book of James that was the subject of that night’s study.
When we came back together, everyone had a chance to talk about things going on in their life, and to give a prayer request.  I had been concerned about one of my classes, worrying over an upcoming test, so I asked for prayer and was not disappointed.  Then the wife of a new couple spoke up.  They weren’t members of any church, she said, but were glad to be there that evening because they really needed God’s help.  They had taken their baby in for a check up that week and discovered that their child had Down’s Syndrome.  She and her husband both teared up, and immediately we all surrounded them with hugs and prayers.  On my way home that evening, I was struck by the way God had reached out to that couple through Larry and Gretchen, and yes, even me.  I had gone simply hoping to learn some more about the Bible, but I ended up learning about God’s love. 
              I am constantly surprised when I study the Bible.  Even today, reading passages that I’ve read dozens, sometimes hundreds of times before, I always feel God is reaching out to me, teaching me something new and bringing a new insight.  Sometimes what comes to me is only very loosely related to the text itself.  Sometimes it’s a new perspective, or a whole new depth revealed in God’s grace.  Often there are connections between scripture passages that cause them to reinforce or clarify one another.  Holy Scripture is a “living word” that interacts with us when we are open to hearing from the One who is speaking it.
And so it was that I developed my principal project for my sabbatical.  I wanted to create a Bible study curriculum that would work for people who wanted to go deeper than just hearing the Sunday lessons.  There is so much to explore, so much fuel for discussion in every scripture passage, it’s a shame to walk away from the readings after the service is done.  I wanted to take some of our upcoming readings, tie them together with an overall theme and develop a set of questions that make it easy to start looking at each passage in terms of how it relates to everyday life.  And so I developed the first Out-Word Bible study.  Scott Giesking gave some great suggestions and helped film the segments for the group studies.  I developed a theme based on a castaway stranded on a desert isle  — and Scott made a wonderful logo with the S.S. Minnow. 
So all that’s left is the invitation.  You can be Gilligan, the Skipper, MaryAnn or Ginger — or just you.  We all feel trapped, stranded, castaway, lost, in need of some kind of rescue at times.  And God equips us as his people with special qualities, our “Spiritual Survival Kit” to help us deal with life’s distress.  You are welcome to join us in going through this new study as we explore in God’s Word and discover our own inner survival tools.  Group studies are being organized.  Daily questions are online now at the blog address below.  So grab your Bible, come along, and let me know what you think!
Pastor Scott

Bible Study Lesson 1 - Humility. Question #2

These online questions are posted as an additional resource for the Bible study series Your Spiritual Survival Kit.  They are not required to go through the group study.  Rather, they are here to provide you with food for thought and spiritual reflection.  You are also welcome to post your own answer or reaction to each question as a comment here on this blog.  Just remember to respect the opinions and responses of others.  Blessings!

2. How would you define humility?

Bible Study Lesson 1 - Humility. Question #1

These online questions are posted as an additional resource for the Bible study series Your Spiritual Survival Kit.  They are not required to go through the group study.  Rather, they are here to provide you with food for thought and spiritual reflection.  You are also welcome to post your own answer or reaction to each question as a comment here on this blog.  Just remember to respect the opinions and responses of others.  Blessings!

Lesson 1.  Question #1  This study will cover the following topics: humility, gratitude, hope, joy, love for others, and faith.  In which of these areas are you hoping to grow the most?