Saturday, May 29, 2010

Tyler's Triumph

Our very own Tyler Hanks was part of a group that won in their division at the national robotics championship. His father, Ken, sends us this:

Below is a link to a Scientific America video that shows pretty well what these robots that Tyler’s team built are all about. Below it is another link to a Scientific America article that mentions “Smoke and Mirrors” (Tyler’s team) as the winning FTC team at the Atlanta world championship.

June 2010

"Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts;
The whole earth is full of his glory."
— Isaiah 6:3

It seems like, once we get through Easter, all heaven breaks loose! Suddenly we have baptisms left and right, families back from spring break are out and about doing service projects, and already our thoughts turn to the Fall and what new ministries God may be stirring up. Through it all, we have been well aware that what we have and what we do are not a result of our own strength, or even our own sacrifices. Whatever good has happened in and among us has happened through the grace of God. Because of God’s love we have been able to love our neighbors and provide a community-supported food pantry. Through God’s Spirit, we have a facility we can share with scouts, 12-step programs and even other churches. With God working through us and alongside us, we keep discovering new ways to do these ministries God gives us — joyfully and for Him!
Each of you has helped this congregation in some way, large or small. Bringing a friend to church, telling someone about the food pantry, supporting one of our teens fasting for world hunger… Whatever it might be, thanks for being a part, because together we’re making the world a little better for as many people as we can. Together, we’re helping people see why Jesus is such a big deal. Together at Atonement, we’re becoming people others know they can turn to and find hope.
Pastor Scott